Walking in a Winter Wonderland …

ornamental grass, first snow

Sleigh bells ring… are you listening ?

“When it snows, ain’t it thrilling, though your nose gets a chilling? We’ll frolic and play the Eskimo way, walking in a winter wonderland”…

Welcome December !

Hellebores dusted with snow

Hellebores gleam and glimmer like stars in white glitter…

cotoneaster with snow

A branch of Cotoneaster, loaded with red berries, reminiscent of a ruby necklace, dusted with snow…

Beech stand, first snow...

The twinkling forest on a frosty morning…

Stone steps dusted in snow

The Secret Garden steps look as if someone carelessly ripped a bag of powdered sugar while sneaking sweets inside…

Ilex verticillata and Juniperus chinensis 'Sargentii' dusted in snow

Ilex verticillata ‘Red sprite’ and  Juniperus chinensis ‘Sargentii’ dusted with snow…

Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii'

Juniperus horizontalis ‘Wiltonii’,(‘Blue Rug’), could pass for fine white lace…

Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight'

Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’, delicately powdered…

Heuchera seed with ice in November

Heuchera seed-pods with ice droplets, sparkle and gleam in morning light

Rodgersia dusted in snow

Rodgersia remnants strike a feminine pose beside the stone wall…


“Winter Wonderland” melody by Dick Smith and Felix Bernard – 1934

Article and photographs copyright 2009, Michaela at The Gardener’s Eden

All content on this site, (exclusive of notations), is the property of The Gardener’s Eden and may not be used or reproduced for any reason without express written permission. Inspired by something you see here? Please give credit where credit is due. It’s a small world and link-love makes for fond friendships. Stealing makes for bad dreams…

Thank you !



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6 Replies to “Walking in a Winter Wonderland …”

  1. Virginia

    Inspiring photos as usual. I am going to look for cotoneaster and the Ilex as the seed catalogues are beginning to come in.

  2. Sherri Baldwin

    As always, I love to see your latest photos of Ferncliff. Is this garden open to the public or a private paradise only? It truly does look like Eden, even in winter. Keep sharing your remarkable observations!

  3. Victoria

    Yay! Snow.

    My friend Marsha and I saw Chanticleer at “The Met” tonight. It’s how we always start our Christmas season.

    How perfect for December 1st. Stay cozy.

  4. Michaela

    Hi Sherri, Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time to comment. You have some amazing botanical-inspired artwork on your site, (I just took a quick peek). And thanks for your interest in my garden. Yes, Ferncliff is my private garden for now, but I do open it up for some garden tours and for my annual open-studio events. Hopefully I will host a few garden-seminars here in the not-to-distant future. I am grateful to be able to look after this piece of land – it definitely is a piece of paradise.
    All the best, Michaela

  5. Michaela

    Yes, snow – I can even see some on top of Mt. Snow and Stratton from here. Mine is still melting by mid-day, and tomorrow may be in the 50’s. Still, I sense winter is on the way now.
    Sounds like you had a great night ! I am dying to get into Manhattan to see the Tim Burton exhibit.
    xo Michaela

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