Children – gardening with
Children - gardening with, Children and Gardening, Cold-Climate Vegetable Gardening, Container Gardening, Cooking, Cooking with Kids, Early Spring Garden Plants, Extending the Growing Season, Garden projects for kids, Herb Gardening, Indoor Gardening, Kitchen, Onions, Plant Propagation, Plant Science, Plant Spotlight, Planting Techniques, Pots and Pottery, Seed Kits, Seeds, Vegetable Gardening, Vegetable Gardening/Potager
Joyful New Beginnings: Bright-Green Herb Seedlings Emerging from the Soil…
Seedlings in the Morning Sun: Â Johnny’s Herb Disks in the Windowsill Garden (Coriandrum sativum) Lately, the weather in here in Vermont has been a bit challenging (to say the least). Even we native New Englanders start to groan when back-to-back blizzards deliver multiple feet of snow and there’s nowhere left to pile it! Three feet, […]
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annuals, Artful Garden Objects, Birds, Bowls, Children - gardening with, Climbing plants, Cold-Climate Vegetable Gardening, Container Gardening, Dark Plants, Decorating Ideas, Decorating the Garden, Drying, Garden Art, Garden Rooms, Gifts for Gardeners, Gourds, Holiday Decorating, House Plants, Indoor Gardening, Indoor Table Arrangements, Kitchen, Plant hunting, Plant Spotlight, Plants for sun, Seeds, Urns and Vessels, Vegetable Gardening, Vegetable Gardening/Potager, Vines - Annual
Simply Lovely: Etched-Gourd Cachepots
This Pretty Etched-Gourd Makes a Lovely Cachepot for Peperomia caperata ‘Raspberry Ripple’ (and on the right, Colocasia affinis ‘Jenningsii’) Displaying plants indoors can be as creative and fun as arranging pots outdoors on porches, patios and balconies. Whenever I spot an new and interesting vessel —natural or man-made— I log it in my mental-file cabinet […]
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Autumn, Autumn Color in the Garden, Autumn Garden Chores, Bulbs, Children - gardening with, Children and Gardening, Color in the Garden, companion planting, Fragrance, Fresh Cut Flowers
November Garden: Late Autumn’s Sunny-Day Chores & Pleasures…
Glowing Tufts of Ornamental Grass (Miscanthus sinensis) My Trusty Old Garden Cart ( from Gardener’s Supply Company ) Panicum virgatum ‘Heavy Metal’ (Switch Grass) – Golden Color Illuminated by November Sunlight Days of beautifully warm, sunny weather, a free weekend, and a list of end-of-season garden chores = Michaela in Bliss. I’ve had a really […]
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Aletha Soule, Beneficial Animals and Insects, Birds, Children - gardening with, Cutting Garden, flowering shrubs, Flowering Shrubs and Trees for Forced Flowers, Forcing Branches in Winter, Fresh Cut Flowers, Garden projects for kids, Garden Science, Home, Indoor Table Arrangements, Native North American Woodlands, Native Plants, Nature, North American Trees, Plant hunting, Plant Propagation, Plant Spotlight, Plants for Texture, Shrubs for Winter Interest, Shrubs/Trees for Forced Flowers, The Seasons, Winter Garden, Woody Plants
Welcome, Soft Harbinger of Spring: Oh Come to Me, My Sweet Willow…
Salix discolor: North American native pussy willow © 2010 Michaela at TGE Salix discolor, North American native pussy willow – Pitcher by Aletha Soulé. Photo © Michaela TGE Welcome! Oh welcome sweet, silver-tipped harbinger of springtime. Is there anything that makes a heart race faster than the sight of the first pussy willow catkins in […]
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