Late Autumn Hues in the Garden

Late Autumn Hues in the November Garden

December may have arrived, but as usual, I’m not quite ready to let go of autumn. Apparently, I’m also not quite ready to let go of blogging. Hello, friends. It’s been a long while.

Outside in my garden, it’s a world filled with rust-gold remnants and brilliant-colored berries. Some mornings, frost and snow cap the stonewalls, but by afternoon the water bowl has melted. Inside, I have been catching up on a bit of garden reading, and I’ll be back tomorrow with a new book review. It’s nice to be here again. How have you been?Dancing Light and Color in the Icy Water Bowl

Article and photographs are copyright Michaela at The Gardener’s Eden, all rights reserved. All content on this site, (with noted exceptions), is the property of The Gardener’s Eden and may not be used, reproduced or reposted elsewhere without written consent.

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2 Replies to “Late Autumn Hues in the Garden”

  1. Deb Weyrich-Cody

    Hello Michaela, been wondering how you’re doing: ) It’s SO very nice to hear from you! You often pop in to my head unexpectly – like whenever someone asks about fungal disease and I immediately recommend your article on Powdery Mildew or every time I see an AiroStream and your silver bird comes to mind; ) Or most often, like last night, when I gaze at the wondrous Moon and wonder whether other star-gazing friends are also out: ). Wishing you happy times for the holiday season, Deb

  2. Michaela

    Hi Deb, It’s good to hear from you as well. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I hope you are happy and healthy, and enjoying the last weeks of a good year. What a beautiful moon it was last night …And this morning! A very happy holiday season to you, my friend! xx Michaela

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