The Light of Spring

Hamamelis x intermedia “Arnold Promise”
A light exists in spring
Not present on the year
At any other period.
When March is scarcely here
A color stands abroad
On solitary hills
That science cannot overtake,
But human nature feels.
It waits upon the lawn;
It shows the furthest tree
Upon the furthest slope we know;
It almost speaks to me.
Then, as horizons step,
Or noons report away,
Without the formula of sound,
It passes, and we stay:
A quality of loss
Affecting our content,
As trade had suddenly encroached
Upon a sacrament.
— Emily Dickinson

Erica carnea, Spring Heath
Article and Images copyright Michaela at The Gardener’s Eden, all rights reserved. All content on this site (with noted exceptions), is the property of The Gardener’s Eden and may not be used, reproduced or reposted elsewhere without written consent.
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2 Replies to “The Light of Spring”
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Hello Michaela,
After many years of wanting a Witch hazel of my own I finally acquired one through the Nature Conservancy. It’s barely more than a twig, but I am excited to have planted it where I can view it from our dinning room windows. A post you made from years ago made me want one. I don’t often comment, but I still follow you because I enjoy your gardens and talent behind the lens.
Thank you for your inspiration.
~ Lynda
Hello Lynda! I am so pleased to know that you were inspired to plant a witch hazel. I love them so, and eagerly anticipate their spring bloom and autumn foliage. And how grateful I am, knowing that you still follow and enjoy my blog posts and photos. Social media has changed the blogosphere, but like you, I find myself inspired by online journals. Happy and healthy 2021 to you & yours. Thank you for making the time to comment! Michaela